Hargeysa(Saxilnews):-Xisbiga Mucaaridka ah ee Waddani ayaa warqad Dheer o qoraal Dacwad ah u gudbiyey Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobey u fadhiya Dalka Somaliya Ninka lagu magacaabo Mr. Michael Keating iyo Madaxwanaha dhawaan la doortey ee Maxamed Cabdilaahi farmaajo
Halkan Ka Akhri Warqada Qoraalka ah ee uu Xisbiga Waddani Direy
Dowladda Imaaraadka Carabta ayaa bishii January u soo gudbisay codsi “Maamulka Somaliland” in looga furo saldhig military magaalada dekedda ah ee Berbera.
Somaliland waa qayb ka mid ah Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ee Soomaaliya mana laha awood Dastuuri iyo mid macquul labadaba in ay gasho heshiis lagu abuurayo saldhig military oo geyiga Soomaaliya gudihiisa ah.
Sidaas awgeed waxa aannu ka codsanaynaa H.E Madaxweynaha soomaaliya: Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, iyo Ergayga Gaarka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay u fadhiya Soomaaliya Michael Keating inay faragelin iyo ka hortag-ba ku sameeyaan abuuritaanka saldhig military oo sharci-darro ah.
The United Arab Emirates ayaa ugu deeqday qalab milatari ciidamada Police Somaliland. Qalabkaas oo isugu jira gawaadhida gaashaaman, mootooyinka bilayska taraafikada, baabuurta gaarka ah iyo taangiyada biyaha, Tani waa tallaabo sharci darro ah iyo hubayn maamul goboleed’ Soomaaliya gudaheeda ah iyagoon ka haysan ogolaansho dowladda dhexe.
Deeqdan Tani waxay sidoo kale waa fal kuwa laaluushka si loo hubiyo in maamulka dalka Soomaaliya in ay ku heshiiyaan in ay la sameeyo saldhigga ciidamada.
iibinta gobolka kasta ama hub ugu deeqday Soomaaliya ayaa si ay u muujiyaan in ay jiraan tallaabooyin adag oo lagu hubiyo in hubka aanay isticmaali doonin maleeshiyaadka xagga milatariga ah si raacitaan xadgudbayo xuquuqaha sameeyaan. Haddii iyagu ma ay samayn in, kala iibsiga lahayn waa inay qaataan meel.
Tan iyo markii Imaaraadku ugu deeqay Somaliland, maamulku wuxuu ku lug lahaa dhowr Iska hor-imaad oo ay la galeen maleeshiyaadka maxalliga ah ee gobolka Khaatumo State of Somalia iyo Puntland.
Waxa kale oo aanu ku boorinaynaa Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ee Imaaraadka Carabta (UAE), iyo Amiirka Dubai Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum in ay joojiyaan dhex-galka geyiga Soomaaliya iyagoon Ogolaansho Ka haysan Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ah ee soomaaliya.
Allaa Mahad Leh.
Petitioning UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia Michael Keating , Secretary-General o and 3 others
UAE defense base in Somaliland is illegal and MUST be stopped
United Kingdom
The UAE government in January submitted a formal application seeking permission from the “Somaliland Administration” to open a military base in the port town of Berbera.
Somaliland is part of the Federal Republic of Somalia and do not have the authority both constitutionally and logically to agree the establishment of a military base within the Somali territory.
We therefore call The Somali President H.E Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo , The UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia Michael Keating to interfere and prevent the establishment of this illegal military.
The United Arab Emirates has donated military equipment to Somaliland Police force. The equipment includes armoured vehicles, traffic police motorbikes, jeep vehicles and water tankers, This is ILLEGAL action of arming a federal state within Somalia without the permission of the central government.
This donation is also an act of bribery to make sure the Somali land administration to agree to the establishment of the military base.
Any state selling or donating arms to Somalia has to show that there are strict measures in place to make sure the weapons will not be used by paramilitary militias to flagrantly violate rights. If they haven’t done that, no transfer should take place.
Since the UAE donated to Somaliland , the administration has involved in several clashes with local militia in the Khatumo state region of Somalia and Puntland.
We also urge The prime minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Emir of Dubai Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum to stop intruding the Somali territory without the Permission of the FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF SOMALIA.
This petition will be delivered to:UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia Michael Keating , Secretary-General oSecretary-General of the United Nations António GuterresSomali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo
Source Saxan-saxo