A Welcome to Shakespeare’s Globe to Globe Theatre Group to Somaliland “The land of Wisdom and Broadmindedness”


Hargaysa (Saxilnews.com) –

A Welcome to Shakespeare’s Globe to Globe Theatre Group to Somaliland “The land of Wisdom and Broadmindedness”

(SLT-Hargaysa) A Welcome to Shakespeare’s Globe to Globe Theatre Group to Somaliland “The land of Wisdom and Broadmindedness”

Honourable guests;


It is my pleasure and an exceptional honour that Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Group, as one of the most renowned and influential theatre group at any time in anywhere has decided to visit our country and perform in Hargeisa, the capital city of the Republic of Somaliland. As the minister for Presidential Affairs of the Republic of Somaliland, on behalf of my government, may I have the honour to welcome you cordially into our country.

Honourable and considered guests, I am very pleased to welcome you to the land of peace and hospitality, to the land of wisdom and broadmindedness, to the land of poetry and proverbs, to the land of freedom of expression, the land of exceptional literature genius. Again, on behalf of my country and people I would like to welcome all of you to the Republic of Somaliland and to share with us your world fame cultural and art heritage.

In the history of Somaliland, art and culture had been always an important place in our society. The great value of the literature and art was, and that is still the case, an essential part and parcel of the existence of Somaliland people. Somaliland is renowned as the epicentre of the culture, literature and art of the Somali speaking society; whether the traditional oral literature based on poetry or the contemporary play and drama performances.

Here in Somaliland, we are extremely blessed to have many great poets whose poetry has deeply influenced and inspired Somaliland people from all walks like Mohamed Ibrahim Warsame “Hadrawi” and so many . I believe painting is silent poetry, and poetry is painting that speaks poetry. I am very glad to notice that Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Group has made the right choice to visit in Somaliland which is a place where the art of poetry has found its thought and the thought has found words.

A unique form of governance:
Somaliland has developed a unique form of governance which could be a model for state-building in other countries in the region or elsewhere. Throughout the time, Somaliland has tremendously demonstrated its ability to combine traditional social system with modern democratic principles through grassroots and poetry plays a major role by transmitting the peace and stability orientations among the society, finally thank you very much and welcome to Somaliland.



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